A total sum of $156.4 million was approved and re-allocated to ministries responsible for implementing the Solomon Islands Government’s (SIG) COVID-19 preparedness and response sector plans.
This was highlighted by the Minister of Finance and Treasury Harry Kuma during the second reading of the 2020 Supplementary Appropriation Bill in Parliament on Wednesday.
In the speech, the Minister outlined that 11 ministries would be allocated a share of the $156.4m.
The two ministries that received the lion’s share of the funds are education and disaster management.
Other ministries are;
a. $21 million was reallocated to the livelihood sector under the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development.
b. $33.2 million was reallocated to the education sector under the Ministry of Education and Human Resources;
c. $11.0 million was reallocated to Customs and Excise under Ministry of Finance and Treasury;
d. $26.8 million was reallocated to the health sector under the Ministry of Health and Medical Services;
e. $13.3 million was reallocated to the infrastructure sector under the Ministry of Infrastructure Development;
f. $8.2 million was reallocated to the safety and security sector under the Ministry of Police, National Security and Correctional Services;
g. $1.0 million was reallocated to the immigration sector under the Ministry of Commerce, Industries, Labour and Immigration;
h. $1.0 million was reallocated to the fisheries sector under Ministry of Fisheries and Research;
i. $5.0 million was reallocated to support churches under Ministry of Traditional Governance, Peace and Ecclesiastical Affairs;
j. $2.3 million was reallocated to the protection sector under the Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs;
k. $33.6 million was allocated to national coordination and camp management under the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management, and Meteorology.
Expenditures worth $72.2 million is funded by development partners for other essential ministries expenditures as provided in the bill under advance warrants, the minister said.