SEVENTEEN (17) intending candidates will contest for the Central Kwara’ae Constituency (CKC) seat, Malaita Province.
A reliable source close to the paper confirmed this to the paper last night.
He said that out of that seventeen intending candidates two (2) were females and fifteen (15) males including the former MP.
The intending candidates are; outgoing MP Jackson Fiulaua, Barnabas Bosokuru Henson, David Nelson Dausabea, Alick Maea’ba current deputy premier of Malaita, Israel Maeoli, Ann Tanny Oromae, Clifton Kala, Billy Adams Manu, Rev. Eric Takila, Ben Bau, Eddie Nathaniel Leamae, John Niroa Misite’e, John Gafana Ossi, Philip Damirara Akote’e, Richard Na’amo Irosaea, Rosie Anilabata and Collin Sigimanu.
The source said this was a good number of contestants and it would mean that any winning candidate would claim victory by 800 to 1000.
“Central Kwara’ae Constituency is one of the biggest constituencies in Malaita.
“From the recent registration, it has shown that Central Kwara’ae Constituency has registered a total of eligible voter of 6840 with other voters who disqualified to go to the polls to cast their votes due to double registration,” he said.
However, with few weeks remaining before the nation go to the polls to cast their ballot papers on the 19th November, intending candidates are preparing to kick off their campaign.
The intending candidates have until Saturday to withdraw their nomination.
In Auki