Temotu Constitutional Congress team officially started its awareness on the 2nd 2014 Draft Federal Constitution with an opening service on Sunday 23rd August 2015.
A statement from the Constitutional Reform Unit said, this was followed by a full attendance of participants at the Mebilude Recreation House in Lata on Monday.
Temotu’s Congress team leader, who is also the current Speaker of Temotu’s Provincial Assembly Hon. Johnson Levela invited participants and officials of the Constitutional Reform Unit (CRU) to join the opening service at Lata Holy Trinity Cathedral.
Diocesan Bishop of Temotu Diocese the Rt. Rev’d Bishop George Takeli presided over the service on Sunday.
The Rev’d Bishop in his welcome remarks thanked Temotu Constitutional Congress and officials leading the Federal Constitution review for recognizing the church in this process.
“A service like this is important and those that have taken leadership of the review in this province felt it necessary that we must begin with a service,” he said.
“I believe this is the wisest decision to make, for like in scripture if God does not build the house, the work of those who build it will come to nothing.”
Bishop Takeli thanked those working on this proposed Federal Constitution for working hard to achieve this stage of the Draft, which the province will review in this week.
Deputy Premier Hon. Nelson Menale officially opened the awareness program on Monday 24th August with the Speaker and team leader Hon. Levela chairing the meetings.
Hon. Menale spoke on behalf of the Premier and Provincial Assembly, thanking the Congress team for organizing the awareness.
He said that this Draft, which is before the participants to discuss, will make up the system the government has seen fit to lead the nation, which he called “a new destiny” of political arrangement of Solomon Islands.
A presentation was made by Policy Secretary of Fundamental Reform Sector Warren Paia on “Unitary to Federalism” for participants.
Fifty participants in attendance included Provincial Assembly Members (MPAs) and Executive, church, chiefs, women and youth representatives, officers and professionals of the Province, including interested observers.
The awareness in Lata, Temotu Province will end on Friday 28th August 2015.