Tongs Corporation

Address: PO Box 128, KGVI Complex, Honiara, Solomon Islands Phone: (+677) 38159 Fax: (+677) 38181 Email: [email protected] For over 30 years Tongs Corporation has been one of the Solomons leading Building Materials  and Hardware and Plumbing Suppliers Building Materials  Roofing Iron – Corrugated, colorbond, ridge cap, barge roll Wire Mesh – Reinforced, security, cyclone, copra…

Silentworld Supply

Address: Phone: (+677) 96100,   (+677) 20956 Email: [email protected] “Professionally done and on time guaranteed!” Services include: Maintenance or small construction completed at home or work place Plumbing or electrical work completed at home or work place Welding, cutting or fabricating in steel or aluminium goods and cargo moved or stored  Fire Extinguisher servicing Contact…

KML Hardware

Address: PO Box 327, Gizo, Western Province Phone: Gizo (+677) 60274 Taro Island Choiseul: (+677) 63139 Fax: (+677) 60278 For all your Building Supplies in the Western and Choiseul Provinces Distributors for Asian Paints for all of Western and Choiseul Province. We have the following supplies: Timber Building Materials Plumbing Supplies Tools Cement Roofing Iron…

ITA Hardware

Address: PO Box 523, Honiara, Solomon Islands Phone: (+677) 26868 Fax: (+677) 26736 Authorised Distributors for: K.K. Kingston Ltd Industrial Chemicals Manufacturer for supplies of: Industrial Cleaners Janitorial Chemicals Laundry Chemicals For use in: Mining IndustrialHospitality Catering Commercial