Lomlom airstrip inspections delayed

Inspection of the Lomlom airstrip on Reef Islands, Temotu province has been further delayed. Thats according to director of aviation George Satu yesterday. Mr Satu said final team to inspect the runway should leave this coming Saturday but since he is traveling overseas next week for a meeting the inspection is being further delayed. “I…

Artist association unhappy with selection

The Solomon Island Artist Association (SIAA) is unhappy with the selection done by the committee formed by ministry of culture and tourism (MCT) for participants to attend the 5th Melanesian Festival of Arts and Culture in Papua New Guinea (PNG) next month. The association’s president Bani Rooney in an interview yesterday described the selection as…

Melanesian Festival

Government through the ministry of culture and tourism (MCT) will send ten local artists to participate at the 5th Melanesian festival of arts and culture that will be held in Papua New Guinea next month. The festival will be held over two-week from 28th June – 11th July.  Port Moresby will stage the major event…

Landowners praised for offering their land

A member of the Solomon Island Visitors Bureau (SIVB) board of directors has praised the Kobuana landowners on Bonavesta, Central Island province for willingly offering their land to the government to build an airstrip. George Satu who is also the director of aviation thanked them for availing their land for airport development. “This is what…

Mining company to upgrade road in Rennell

The Indonesian mining firm Bintang Borneo would upgraded the road links between Tingoa to Lake Tegano on East Rennell once they kick off their initial operations. Premier of Renbel province Lence Tangosia revealed this to Solomon Star in an interview yesterday. Mr Tangosia said the mining company has agreed to upgrade the road during a…

Mining supports airstrip’ extension

Indonesian mining firm Bintang Borneo will financially assist Renbel provincial government with the extension of the Tingoa airstrip runway. Renbel province premier Lence Tangosian revealed this to Solomon Star yesterday. Mr Tango who led the mining delegation to Rennell Island and held talks with the landowners last week said the company agreed to assist the…

Candidates accused of buying votes

Transparency Solomon Islands has heard allegations that the new biometric registration system designed to reduce election fraud is being abused by candidates. The group is calling on the government to make it illegal for anyone to buy or collect voter registration cards.  Transparency chief executive Daniel Fenua has received reports of one candidate buying official…

New commissioner for oaths, Malaita

A senior labour officer Simon Suku was recently appointed as a commissioner for oaths in Solomon Islands. The two years appointment was made by Chief Justice, Sir Albert Palmer on the 20th May 2014 and it took effect from that date until 20th May 2016. Simon Suku is a senior labour officer who had served…

SPO plans fuel facility in Noro

South Pacific Oil Ltd (SPO) is planning to establish a fuel depot in Noro, Western province in partnership with Soltuna and National Fisheries Development (NFD). As part of the new set up SPO general manager Carson Korowa is currently in Noro to discuss with the management of Soltuna and NFD about the partnership deal which…

Burns Creek leaders urged to do more

Outspoken pastor and chief of Burns Creek in East Honiara appeals to community leaders to unite and do more to reduce criminal activities in their community. Pastor Seti Iromea said it is sad to see some of their leaders are part of the recent riot in east Honiara. Pr Iromea said leaders within Burns Creek…