Aust supports Weathercoast women

Mrs Jean Pichu’s vision was realised recently when the Niu Areata women’s weaving and sewing project was completed with the assistance of the Australian High Commission’s Direct Assistance Program (DAP). Recently, Second Secretary Ben O’Reilly travelled to the Weathercoast to hand over the $48,000dollar project and to better understand some of the challenges faced by…

Farewell Taku from Kakamora land

Mr. Takuya Shizumi is from Japan who came to the Banana and Kakamora Land in 2012 under the JOCV program. He is a physiotherapist by profession, qualified in that field and very experienced, committed and dedicated to his job just like all Japanese are. When he arrived in Kirakira Hospital in 2012, he was assigned…

Support to empower our rural women

Last week womens group from in and around Gizo in the Western province celebrated their achievement after establishing savings club in their various communities. There have been success stories of the positive results that have been reaped from the seeds that they have planted through the little money that these women have saved. Dr Alice…

Call for long-term plan to help flood victims

The Solomon Islands Government has been urged to develop a clear, long-term plan to help people still living in evacuation centres since April’s devastating floods. The Government has attempted to close the centres, but extended their operation until the end of the month after protests from flood victims.  Solomon Islands Development Trust says a two-way…

Local NSW community helps flood victims

Solomon Islands New South Wales community has offered a timely donation to assist the April 3 flood victims. About 200 bags of rice and 90 cartons of Solomon blue tuna has been donated to the flash flooding victims last week. The goods have been handed over on Wednesday to the Dorcas Welfare SDA federation and…

East Russell ordained its first deacon

Catholic communities of East Lavukal in the Russell Islands of Central province have witnessed the historical ordination ceremony of its first ordained deacon over the weekend. Nickson Sade who for some years undertakes his religious studies at the Holy Name of Mary Seminary was ordained on Saturday 21 st June. Mr Sade is said to…

Centenary celebration ends

The weeklong centenary celebration in Viru, Western province marking the arrival of the Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church has ended yesterday. UP to 5,000 Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) members have congregated at Viru last week to celebrate the arrival of the SDA gospel in the country. The week-long celebration was officially opened by Prime Minister…

Melanesian countries to attend SDA conventions here

Three Melanesian countries including Australia will attend the Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) youth convention in Honiara next week. They are Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea (PNG), Fiji and Australia. Youths representative from these countries will start arriving this weekend to take part at the SDA youths convention. A Solomon Island Mission (SIM) spokesperson told the Solomon…

SDA youth convention kicks off Friday

The Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) youth convention will begin this weekend at the Maranatha Hall in Honiara. SDA youths in Solomon Islands and other regional countries are attending the convention that will start this Friday and end next week Friday. A spokesperson from the Solomon Island Mission (SIM) yesterday admitted that preparation around the site…