Rice price soars as starvation rampant

THE nonstop downpour in Malaita Province since Christmas, coupled with the two tropical cyclones is severely affecting food crops in Malaita. Everywhere in communities, it is the same complain. “Food gardens and root crops are yielding nothing and or rotting,” people told the Solomon Star in Auki. Many people spoken to in Auki said families…

Miracles return after US tour

Local gospel group Miracle Singers of Kukum SDA Church in Honiara arrived back after touring the United States of America. The group were amongst many other gospel musicians around the world to attend a week-long General Conference, the highest global event of Seventh-day Adventist Church. The General Conference was held in Texas State. They also…

‘Bad road leads to accidents’

Bad road condition is the main factor that lead to many road accidents in Auki, Malaita Province this year. Malaita Premier Peter Channel Ramohia raised this following a road accident last Thursday morning at Dorukua hill in Central kwara’ae. Mr Ramohia said, last week he went to North Malaita and he saw the road conditions…

Training on resource utilization ends

A THREE-DAY community base business opportunity local resources utilization and management, planning workshop has ended over the weekend. The workshop was held at New Tenabuti village, north- east Guadalcanal which attracted more than 6 communities. The workshop was organized by Guadalcanal Eco-Tourism Development Service (GEDS) based in Honiara. In an interview with director and facilitator…

Team Solomon returns

The Solomon Islands contingent to the Pacific Games in Port Moresby Papua New Guinea (PNG) returned home last Sunday with their medals. The team arrived to a warm welcome by family and friends at the Henderson International Airport. The first group of athletes and team officials arrives at 5am in the morning, the second at…

New twist on Rennell mining

APID accused of improper land acquisition Landowners on Rennell Island have claimed Asia Pacific Investment Development (APID) have unlawfully breached procedures of land acquisition and registration bypassing them as the rightful owners’ to the lands. Urging the Commissioner of Lands, Nelson Naoapu not to consider any land acquisition registration for APID Mining Company on Rennell.…

Funds diverted

MPs to take control of disaster rehabilitation fund, NDMO may close operation CABINET has passed and agree to channel the disaster rehabilitation funds to the Members of Parliament (MP) for the affected areas instead to the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO). This may force the NDMO the authorizing body to close its operations for providing…