Communities practise horticulture

ABOUT 51 communities around the country under the South Sea Evangelical Church (SSEC) have successfully learnt and practice the method of horticulture this year. One of the latest villages to learn about this fortnight ago was Buiano village in west Kwara’ae, Malaita province. Horticulture is a method of planting flowers around homes and properties. SSEC…

TOWER presents profit payment to ANZ

TOWER Insurance has paid ANZ bank its profit share of $211,411. In a brief ceremony the TOWER Insurance country manager, Jeremy Masalo, presented the cheque  to ANZ Solomon Islands CEO, Geoffrey Buchanan. TOWER Insurance is the underwriter for ANZ. A statement from the bank said, the payment was the culmination of a profitable partnership within…

Auki power distribution upgraded

Power outages in Auki will no longer be a problem after work on ‘distribution networks’ by Solomon Power was completed in Auki last week. Solomon Power Auki station master Joseph Keniore said, it is a sort of a blessing for the province as these projects does not come easily. The distribution network upgrade is primarily…

Solomon Power boosts power supply

SOLOMON Power, formerly Solomon Islands Electricity Authority (SIEA), has commissioned its new Power Station, which includes four new 2.5 megawatt (MW) generators at Lunga, east Honiara, Monday. The event came as SIEA formally switched its name to Solomon Power. Minister of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification, David Dei Pacha, Ministry of Finance and Treasury permanent…