FAO here

Dear Editor – I am very pleased to learn that the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has signed an agreement with the Solomon Islands Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock to aid sustainable agriculture and rural development. With the establishment of a country office the FAO will be better placed to give…

Council must clean up its backyard

SOMETHING is not right within the Honiara City Council. And it needs to be fixed. Urgently! Our front page story today rigs of the corruption that has permeated our government system over the years. When mayor Alfrence Fatai came into the council late last year, he reportedly uncovered corruption in the way contracts have been…

Crowded houses

Dear Editor – Many thanks for giving me space to express my views on your paper. First and foremost I would like to salute and congratulate the West Makira MP Derick Manu’ari and his team for his heroism in challenging MPs tax free salary payments. Further still I would like to express my special gratitude…

Govt commits to improve roads

THE GOVERNMENT through the Ministry of Infrastructure Development (MID) is committed to ensure most of the feeder and connecting roads plus the drainage system within the Honiara city and the outskirts of the city are improved. A spokesperson from the Ministry of Infrastructure Development (MID) on Wednesday told the paper this road improvement project is…

SINU launches students’ hand book

THE Solomon Islands National University (SINU) has launched its first ever students’ handbook on Wednesday. The launching took place at the SINU Kukum campus’s lecture theater. The hand-book was supposed to be launched in early January. However due to late printing they’ve done it yesterday. Speaking during the ceremony Campus Life Manager Selison Faisi Jnr…

Family violence program launched by police

The National Community Policing Unit of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) has launched a nationwide Family Violence program with delivery of family violence training to the RSIPF officers and other stakeholders. A statement from the Police Media Unit said, the Family Violence program started towards the end of April 2015 and the Family…

WW2 photographic exhibition underway

A photographic exhibition of World War Two (WW2) bombs in Solomon Islands has been launched on Wednesday. The exhibition which will look at the current situation of unexploded ordinances of WW2 in the country will run from 13th to the 27th of May at the National Art Gallery. For the past 70 years, Solomon Islanders…