Busu to host 140 tourists today

Busu cultural center in the heart of Langa-Langa Lagoon, Malaita province will on Friday host the biggest number of tourists ever when 140 foreign tourists will grace their shore on a cruise boat this morning. The last time that the Island cultural centre hosted a cruise boat was 29th of November 2016 when 80 guests…


Tome accused of stealing $67,170 PROVINCIAL Government minister David Tome on Thursday fronted the court, accused of stealing his constituency’s money. The Baegu/Asifola MP in Malaita faces 14 counts of conversion. He was released on a cash bail of $2,000, with strict bail conditions. These include not to travel out of Guadalcanal Province, not to…

Parliament passes the motion to create a formula for distributing of CDF

Parliament   has  passed  a  motion   to  consider  introducing  a  formula  that   reflects  fair  allocation  of  the  Constituency  Development  Funds  to  each  of   the  constituencies  in  Solomon  Islands.  This  was  moved  by  the  Leader  of  Independent  Group,  Hon.  Dr  Derek  Sikua.   Hon.  Sikua  when  moving  the  motion  said  he  was  asked  by  his  constituents  to see …


It costs $18,000 a day to keep the Vietnamese robbers IT’S costing the government $18,000 a day to detain the 43 Vietnamese at Rove Police Club. A source within the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force told the Solomon Star that our government borne the substantial cost for the operation since last week. “We roughly estimate…

Court awaits medical report

PROSECUTION is still waiting for the medical report in relation to the case of the man who allegedly injured one of the prisoners who escaped from the Auki Correctional Centre on New Year’s night. The matter of Andrew Ofotalau was adjourned from the last occasion to yesterday to allow prosecution to obtain the medical report…