CSOs collect signatures to petition PM THE country’s Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) have combined forces in seeking signatures of Solomon Islanders nationwide and abroad for their three-point petition on the withdrawn Anti-Corruption Bill. The petition demands that Prime Manasseh Sogavare re-tables the Bill when Parliament resumes next month as he had declared, that all 50…

Men’s Fellowship hall opens

A NEW Men’s Fellowship Hall at Verahue Community of West Guadalcanal was officially opened last Sunday, Solomon Star Stringer John Toki confirmed after attending the programme. Toki revealed that the opening of the Men’s Fellowship Hall is a milestone achievement of the community since they had been longing for the completion of the centre for…

Attitudes (2)

Thought for the Week By Rev. Eric D. Maefonea (SWIM)  I again invite you to our continuing discussion on the topic “Attitudes.” One of the biggest challenges facing us today is attitude. If we want to see change happening, then we must first have a change of attitude as individual Solomon Islanders. Many think that…

Warnings as Vanuatu volcanoes rumble

RNZI: Authorities in Vanuatu say four out of six volcanoes throughout the island group have increased recorded activity. The Vanuatu Meteorology and Geohazards Department is warning tourists and aviation centres of the drastic change in activity. Meteorologist Esline Bule said the background noise and gas levels on the volcanic island of Ambrym were very significant.…

Kurukuru departs for Asian Games

The Solomon Islands national futsal team has departed for the 5th Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. The team of 15 departed yesterday where they will transit through Port Villa, Nadi and then to Turkmenistan. The Kurukuru team is accompanied by the head coach, Jerry Sam, assistant coach Francis Lafai and team…