World-Fish advocates for local women

World-Fish Solomon Islands has hosted a forum as part of their International Women’s Days celebration at the Solomon Islands National University (SINU), School of Technology and Maritime Studies in Honiara last Friday. The forumwas led by the panellists’ presentations where it then clarified the importance of women’s role in the society. Panel objectives are as…

International Woman’s Day a success

Women from all backgrounds and organisations turned up in numbers Friday morning to mark the annual International Women’s Day (IWD) with a parade from SMI in West Honiara to Honiara City Council (HCC) grounds. Non-Governmental Organisations, Civil Society, Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF), Correctional Service of Solomon Islands (CSSI) and the visiting Australian Army…

Fire arm owner told to surrender weapon

POLICE Commissioner Matthew Varley calls on the owner of the fire arm discharged during the arson incident at Kukwisi village, West Kwara’ae in Malaita on 23 February, to surrender it to police.  “I understand a reconciliation ceremony between both parties involved in the arson incident happened in Thursday,” Varley said. “The police welcome this initiative…

Australia’s support for NGE begins

Australian High Commissioner Rod Brazier has announced Australia’s package of assistance to Solomon Islands for the upcoming National General Election on 3 April. “As a close friend to Solomon Islands, Australia is pleased to provide assistance that will support the delivery of a free and fair election in 2019,” said High Commissioner Brazier. At the…

‘Review those laws’

Loopholes in Acts need tightening, says Hou By ANDREW FANASIA The oil spill disaster at Rennell Island should prompt future governments to rectify loopholes in many of our current legislations. Caretaker Prime Minister Rick Hou admitted that this is a big lesson for his government and the future government. “This incident has demonstrated to us…

Varley confirms test result

DRUGS ARE COCAINE By ASSUMPTA BUCHANAN TESTS carried out in Australia on a large consignment of drugs seized from a yacht in Honiara late last year are confirmed to be cocaine. Police Commissioner Matthew Varley confirmed this to reporters, Thursday. “I can confirm for you that the testing process in Australia has been completed,” Varley said.…

Bintan: Salvage work underway in Rennell

THE operation to salvage the grounded MV Solomon Trader to safety is being boosted with the arrival of three more international specialists from the United Kingdom and United States over the weekend. That’s according to bauxite miners Bintan Mining. The company said the specialists were immediately flown over to Rennell Island to join other salvage…