Mobile clips entertain elderly in Makira

THE retired Bishop of the Hanuato’o Diocese of the Anglican Church of Melanesia in Makira Ulawa Province, Bishop Alfred Karibongi says he has discovered in his farewell tours of Parishes around the Diocese that old people use mobiles to entertain themselves. He said that he discovered during his farewell visits that old people use blankets…

Quarantine stations fast-tracked

CONSTRUCTION work to heighten quarantine and isolation facilities for Western and Choiseul Provinces have commenced this week, thanks to Community Access and Urban Services Enhancement (CAUSE).  National Disaster Council in a statement announced that CAUSE has been awarded the contracts to fast-track the readiness of the quarantine buildings for border communities under special arrangements by…


THE Permanent Secretary (PS) in the Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) Pauline McNeil has admitted that more work still needs to be done at the country’s Western border to support the preparedness and response efforts against COVID-19.  Mrs McNeil made the admission during the handover of 5 medical ventilators to the Ministry of…