Near death accident

Deteriorating bridges along the North Road in Malaita Province continue to pose a threat to the travelling public with yet another unfortunate accident involving a three-ton vehicle providing transportation along the North Road.  In the early hours of Friday morning last week, a vehicle loaded with passengers and goods headed north was forced off Mamafua…

ESP now online

THE details of the much-awaited Economic Stimulus Package (ESP) will soon be made public after the Permanent Secretary of Finance launched the ESP Management Information (ESP-MIS) and the ESP Content Management systems (ESP-CMS) on Friday. Speaking at the launching, Mr. McKinnie Dentana said both applications are web-based meaning that they are accessible by URL on…

William Lai: We should be proud

PRESIDENT of the Solomon Islands Football Federation (SIFF), William Lai said everyone who took part in the recent Solomon Cup tournament should be proud to be part of a historical event. He highlighted the most important thing is for everyone to come together despite whatever province to celebrate football.  “All of you who took part…


Registrar of Titles bites the bullet over land dealings JOSEPH ALEVE MALANGA – the man who stood his ground in a stand-off with the Commissioner of Lands, Alan McNeil over the transfer of Fixed Term Estate (FTE) – has been suspended as the Registrar of Titles. Mr. Malanga confirmed his suspension, Friday. “Yes, I have…

Health Hands Over Three Water Supply Projects in Choiseul Province

This month the Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) together with Choiseul Provincial health team officially handed over three water supply projects, Veqa-Siro, Loloque- Panarui and Vavudu –Tambasaru project in the Choiseul province.  This was made possible through funding provided by the European Union (EU) through the Ministry of National Planning and Development Coordination…