Sore: where’s the evidence?   HONIARA City Mayor and City Clerk have asked if both Councillors Reginald Ngati and Billy Abae provide their evidence for the new revelation before the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) about a $53,000 payment to the Clerk on Tuesday. The new so-called revelation was revealed when both Councillors appeared before the…

Kava farmers in Malaita & loans

Dear Editor – I read the letter to the Editor of the Solomon Times Online last week written by someone named Sammy Junior Cena from West Kwara’ae. He wrote, and I quote. “In a society where a large percentage of youths want to go entrepreneurial, that is, striving to enter in entrepreneurship perhaps specifically want…

Flood damages bridge in Malaita

Kware bridge in West Fataleka, Malaita Province was partly damaged by floodwaters over the weekend. The flash flood was caused by continuous heavy rainy weather experienced in most parts of the province. A transport operator in West Fataleka Dickson Laumani said, a bridge known as ‘Small kware bridge’ in ward 5; West Fataleka has partly…

Landowner pleads for respect 

A woman landowner from Star Harbour in East Makira, Makira Ulawa Province has called on police and courts to respect owners of forests and land resources. Eunice Ruku Kamurisigea also calls on forestry authorities and foreign logging companies to render the same respect for owners of forests and land resources in the same area of…

Aus’t, NZ support tourism sector

THE Government of Australia and New Zealand (NZ) will continue to support the tourism sector in the Solomon Islands especially to prepare the sector for the reopening of the borders which was closed due to the global pandemic COVID-19. The tourism industry in Solomon Islands has been hit hard since March 2020 when the COVID-19…

Drone to be returned

‘But Bougainvilleans’ condemned police report’   THE police drone which was seized by the Bougainville fishermen will be returned to the Solomon Islands as soon as their leaders and police retrieved it from the fishermen in Bougainville. This was confirmed by a reliable source in Bougainville over the weekend when the Solomon Star contacted the…