Premier Fini applauds SIG-Landowner initiative to partner in commercial rice farming

Malaita Premier Martin Fini last week applauded a partnership initiative between the National Government and Landowning tribes of Auluta basin in East Malaita to develop commercial rice farming in the area. Landowning owning tribes including Abukwaiara, Gwaibau’ula and Ambu tribes in the Auluta basin region offered their lands for sustainable development projects after a previous…

More land in WP to be transferred

WORK is currently underway for the transfer of about1000 plots of land in the Western Province that are currently under the custodian of the Commissioner of Lands to the Premier of the Western Provincial Government. That’s according to the Western Province Premier Billy Veo in an interview with Solomon Star recently. “Work on fulfilling this…

New UNDP rep presents credentials

THE new United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Resident Representative to Solomon Islands Munkhtuya (Tuya) Altangerel formally presented her Letter of Credentials to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Trade (MFAET) Jeremiah Manele in Honiara last Friday – 8 September. The UNDP Resident Representative is based at the UNDP Multi-Country Pacific Office (MCPO) in Fiji.…


Gov’t condemns criminal attack on naturalised Solomon Islands family in the strongest terms THE national government has strongly condemned an attack on a naturalised Solomon Islands family by some criminals last week. Police report confirmed, the armed robbery incident occurred on Thursday 7 September between 2am and 3am at Panatina in East Honiara. The report…