Round log exports decline 

Solomon Islands round log exports have declined in the last three years due to unsustainable harvesting of forest resources for exportation. The Permanent Secretary (PS) of the Ministry of Forestry and Research, Richard Raomae highlighted this to the local media last week. PS Raomae said Solomon Islands heavily depends on the logging of its forest…

$8.8b in aid over 6 years

Solomon Islands received approximately SBD 8.809 billion in development assistances between 2016 and 2021 from its bilateral and multilateral partners and these assistances have contributed significantly to the nation’s development endeavors and growth, it was revealed. According to the Ministry of National Planning and Developing Coordination (MNPDC) these development assistances had been directed to a…

Minister Conroy arrives

Australia’s Minister for International Development and the Pacific Pat Conroy MP has arrived in Honiara around lunch time for a serious of discussions and important announcements to make for the country. The visit is part of his trip to Solomons Islands and Papua New Guinea (PNG) this week, the Australian High Commission Office said. The…

Malaita council of women AGM 

THE Malaita Provincial Council of Women (MPCW) is currently hosting its 4th Annual General Meeting (AGM) this week in Auki.  The three-day event commenced on Tuesday and will conclude Thursday with the election of a new executive. A good number of women and members attended the opening ceremony at the Women Resource Centre in Auki.  This meeting provided…

SI marks democracy day

Honiara city woke up earlier than usual on Tuesday 17 September. It had a good reason: to celebrate the rights of Solomon Islanders to choose their government. This has been happening since the Pacific nation became independent 46 years ago.  Before the sun fully rose, crowds donning orange T-shirts emblazoned with this year´s theme –  46…

Australia’s top Minister visits SI 

Australia’s Minister for International Development and the Pacific, the Hon Pat Conroy MP, will travel to Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea this week to further strengthen Australia’s deep and enduring partnerships in the Pacific.  Minister Conroy said Australia and Solomon Islands have interconnected futures. “We share a region and an ocean,” Minister Conroy said.  …