New backhoe for Gizo Town Council

GIZO Town Council (GTC) through its Waste Management Division was given a boost to address solid waste challenges at the Western provincial capital following the handing over of a new backhoe machine today. In celebrating the arrival of the new machine, a brief unveiling ceremony was organised after lunch this afternoon near the Western Provincial…

New science lab for RC Nicholson College

It was a moment of celebration and recognition of the partnership and commitment between the governments of Australia, New Zealand, and Solomon Islands in the creation and construction of a new science laboratory at Reginald Chapman (RC) Nicholson College, in South Vela La Vela, Western Province. Representatives from the Australian and New Zealand High Commissions…

PM attends Bethesda Disability Centre graduation

Prime Minister (PM) Jeremiah Manele and Madam Joycelyn Manele have graced the Bethesda Disability Training and Support Centre graduation ceremony this week with their presence. The graduation was held at Bethesda’s Henderson Training Centre, east of Honiara.    Operated under the South Sea’s Evangelical Church (SSEC), Bethesda Disability Training Centre specialises in providing high quality inclusive…

CPLT 5 pays final courtesy calls to PM

The Chinese Police Liaison Team (CPLT) 5 has completed its tenure, and this week the team paid the final courtesy call to the Prime Minister Jeremiah Manele. During the visit, CPLT 5’s outgoing Commissioner Zhao Jinyong expressed appreciation for the warm reception his team received across the country. Commissioner Zhao also acknowledged the government for…

Economic census underway

The Solomon Islands National Statistics Office, SINSO, has commenced the National Economic Establishment Census, NEEC, 2024 starting on the first week of November. The month-long Census is going to selected areas in all provinces within Solomon Islands to collect information on businesses that will make up a thorough and complete update of registered businesses in…

Arrest over attempted murder incident

A 28-year-old male suspect was arrested for an alleged attempted murder incident at Lalana village in the Langalanga lagoon, Malaita on November 7, 2024. The Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) Commissioner, Mr. Mostyn Mangau, said several attempts have been made to apprehend the suspect, but he escaped police up on arrival. Commissioner Mangau said,…


Deputy Prime Minister Bradley Tovosia has described the unnamed sources quoted in the Island Sun newspaper article, “Looming GNUT Sacks,” as busybodies. The Deputy Prime Minister challenged the unnamed sources to reveal their true identities to give credibility to their claims; otherwise, he argued, anonymous sources are as fake as their statements. DPM Tovosia stated…