New SIICAC Commissioners sworn-in

Five new Commissioners to the Solomon Islands Independent Commission Against Corruption (SIICAC) have been formally appointed and sworn-in by the Governor General His Excellency, David Tiva Kapu on Monday. SIICAC is now chaired by former Attorney General and senior lawyer, James Apaniai. The Deputy Chair is Ms. Florrie Alalo with three new commissioners including Mr.…

RSIPF, SICCI partnership takes new height 

The partnership between Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) and Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) has taken a significant step forward following a productive meeting held last week. Both parties have agreed to an open Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), a departure from previous arrangements that required bi-annual renewals.  This new agreement, proposed…

Japanese volunteers end service

Two Japanese volunteers from the Japanese Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV) program under the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) are set to depart the country this Friday after completing their two-year service in Honiara. Takayuki Sakuri and Chikako Ito arrived in Honiara in February 2023 and have successfully fulfilled their volunteer roles over the past two…

SINU, UNDP sign deal

Solomon Islands National University (SINU) and the UN Development Programme (UNDP) on Tuesday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in Honiara. This is to strengthen youth development and environmental conservation in the country. With 70 percent of Solomon Islands’ population under 35, this partnership aims to equip young people with skills for leadership and environmental…

Applications for SI-Aust Community Partnerships project open

The Australian High Commission is opening a new round of the Solomon Islands – Australia Community Partnerships with applications for funding support now accepted.  This Partnerships support community-led projects to improve living standards through small-scale community projects like staff houses, toilet blocks, community water tanks, solar power for community infrastructure, and community halls.  Community Partnerships…