Auki tar-seal project groundbreaking set 

THE groundbreaking ceremony for the much-awaited China-funded Auki Road tar seal project is scheduled for this Wednesday. The multi-million-dollar project, which was agreed upon between the Solomon Islands and the People’s Republic of China in 2023, is part of national efforts to improve the state of infrastructures in the country. Before the end of last…

Honiara Summit concludes

COLLABORATION and working together are strong words emanated out from the Honiara Summit that ended at Friendship Hall this afternoon. The Summit, hosted by the Government of the Solomon Islands and organized together with the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Pacific Community (SPC),…

SI strengthen ties with ADB to advance development

Minister for National Planning and Development Coordination Hon. Rexon Ramofafia, held a high-level meeting with visiting Asian Development Bank (ADB) Board Members to discuss key national development priorities and ongoing collaborations. During a meeting with the ADB team on Wednesday, 26 February, discussions reaffirmed the strong partnership between the Solomon Islands and ADB in advancing…


FAR EAST Resources Company Ltd – the Hong Kong-based company recently accused of illegal mining in Isabel – has taken one step further in its bid to obtain Surface Access Rights Agreement (SARA) for the rich nickel tenement on San Jorge Island, Isabel Province. This time, it involves the transfer of Company shares to new…

MOI constituency invests in education

THE Malaita Outer Islands (MOI) Constituency has taken significant steps to support the education of its students by paying for their tuition this year. Students studying at the Solomon Islands National University (SINU) and the University of the South Pacific (USP) have been supported. The announcement was made during a meeting this week between MOI…