From vision to action

Prime Minister (PM) Jeremiah Manele, outlines the vision and role of the Pacific leaders over time in pursuit of sustainable fisheries-fisheries that is sustainably managed to benefit current and future generation.  The Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) in 1970, the sustainable utilization of marine resources was identified as a matter of common interest amongst the membership. …


Construction of a temporary market at Malu’u is underway, to ensure vendors can still sell their products and residents can buy produce while construction of the permanent Australian-supported market upgrade for North Malaita takes place. Local company Alrico Construction Company Ltd is building the temporary market, creating local jobs and ensuring uninterrupted business for local…


SOLOMON Islands National Women’s team suffered three straight defeats in the PacificAus Sport Four Nations Tournament 2025 in Australia. Their three straight defeats left them at the bottom of the table with zero points. They conceded a total of 21 goals after suffering an 8-0 defeat to Thailand U20 in their opener last Wednesday, a…

Ghiro highlights crucial role of PIF and regional fisheries arrangements

THE Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Nestor Ghiro has highlighted the crucial role of the Pacific Islands Forum and regional policies, treaties and comprehensive fisheries management arrangements play towards the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14.4. Minister Ghiro was addressing the Honiara Summit on Day 2 yesterday. He said regional…

RMI Ambassador to SI presents credentials 

THE non-resident Ambassador of the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), Junior Ani presented his letter of credentials to the Acting Governor General Patterson Oti at Government House on Monday. Ambassador Ani was recently appointed as the first Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Marshall Islands to Solomon Islands, with residence in Suva,…