Calls for better waste management at Gizo market

WESTERN provincial government and Gizo Town Council have been called to address the waste problems at Gizo market. Markets vendors and residents are calling for improved waste management solutions to maintain cleanliness and hygiene. They urged the local authorities to take immediate action, including increasing waste collection, providing more bins, and enforcing proper disposal measures.…

UK supports effective media relations training for parliamentary officials

A day’s training to equip parliamentary officials in Solomon Islands on effective media relations was held this week. The objective was to equip parliamentary officers with strategies for effective media relations, enabling them to communicate clearly and accurately with the media on the activities of parliament. The focused workshop would also help parliament officials sharpen…

King tides affect Gizo shoreline

The iconic Gizo seafront in Western province is rapidly eroding as rising tides continue to eat away the shoreline, causing increasing concerns for local residents and businesses.Coastal erosion has become more visible in recent months, with king tides flooding parts of the waterfront and damaging structures along the shoreline.Gizo community members said the situation is…

SI does not improve in corruption

TSI: On the 11th of February, 2025, Transparency International launched the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) of 180 countries and territories around the world including Solomon Islands. The CPI score measures the perceived levels of public sector corruption (the Machinery of Government perceived corruption levels).  The scores reflect the viewers of experts and surveys from businesspeople…

Enhancing literacy among primary students in West

The “Helpem Smolwan Skul Gud” project aims to enhance literacy among primary school children in Western Province, providing a foundation for future literacy initiatives. Through reading clubs, the distribution of quality educational materials, and active engagement with parents and the community to support children’s reading activities, the project is empowering schools in Gizo and surrounding…

SICCI: enforce plastic ban regulation

In a proactive push to address the ongoing plastic waste crisis and its detrimental effects on drainage systems, Chairlady Namoi Kaluae of The Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) is urging all relevant stakeholders to enforce the existing plastic ban with greater diligence and urgency. As urban areas continue to face significant drainage…

Use of banned plastic bottles during crowning night probed

The Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology’s Environment and Conservation division (ECD) is taking the use of less than 1.5L plastic water bottles, an item banned under the Environment Single Use Plastic Ban Regulation 2023  at  the recent Miss Pacific Islands Pageant (MPIP) seriously. This is after members of the public have…