NHA  on audit reports

Three audit teams are conducting audits of National Hosting Authority (NHA) operations and its still progressing with no official audit opinion on these reports. The Executive Director of NHA, Mr. Christian Nieng highlighted this when making clarifications to misinformation regarding NHA PG2023 Five-Year Audits (2019–2023). NHA on Friday issued a statement saying; “contrary to certain…

$300k funding support for agri-business producers

GOVERNMENT through the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) this week released cash grant funding totaling $304,234.00 to twenty-eight (28) Agri-Business Producer Organizations. Most of the beneficiaries are from the three provinces of Guadalcanal, Malaita and Makira. The funding is provided through the World Bank funded Solomon Islands Agriculture and Rural Transformation (SIART) project. The…

Auki road upgrade project offers job opportunities

The China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC) says it is committed to fostering local employment opportunities during the much-anticipated Auki Road Rehabilitation Project. CCECC’S South Pacific General Manager Mr. Liang Qing, in his remarks during the ground breaking ceremony in Auki on Tuesday, emphasised their company’s dedication to engaging with local communities and transferring valuable…

‘Open up land for development’

PRIME Minister (PM) Jeremiah Manele has reiterated calls for land owning groups and resource owners in Malaita to allow their land to foster development. He was speaking at the ground-breaking ceremony on Tuesday at the provincial capital of Auki. The breaking of ground was to officially commence the Auki road rehabilitation project made possible through…

Malaitans told to look after road infrastructure

Minister for Infrastructure Development (MID) Manasseh Maelanga appeals to the people of Malaita to embrace collective responsibility in caring for the region’s roads and infrastructure. His remarks were made during the launch of the Auki Road Network Rehabilitation Project in Auki on Tuesday, 4th March. Minister Maelanga emphasised that the success of infrastructure projects relies…