HUNDREDS of supporters and the communities of Anokelo of West Kwara’ae Constituency (WKC) over the weekend witnessed a twenty-five (25) year old intending candidate launched his campaign at Anokelo village.
Eric Ryan Ulufia recently graduated from the University of the South Pacific (USP) and was keen to enter into politics.
The launching on Saturday has attracted many youths, old men and women in and around the community.
During the launch, the young candidate highlighted some of his dreams and plans for the constituency.
Many youths took their time to ask questions to the candidate.
Young Ulufia is a newly recent graduate student from USP 2011-2013 under taking Bachelor of Commerce Politics and Management & Public Administration at USP Laucala Campus in Fiji.
In a brief remark at the launching 25 old Ulufia acknowledged the past leaders for their leadership roles since 1978 when the nation gains its independency.
He said that it’s a new chapter and the people need a change and new leaders to develop this constituency.
“We West Kwara’ae people are the spectators of the economy, and our trend for the past 36 years focused mainly in social sector.
“We are sitting in a weak economy; west Kwara’ae have a lot of resources but how to utilise these resources is an issue.
“Our population-wise is increasing and we need to do something about this.”
Young Ulufia said his vision is to liberate the rural populace from the existing poverty and their dependency through restructuring the government system to suit our Melanesian context of governing.
He quoted proverbs 29:18, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”
His ultimate goal is, to enable the Solomon Islanders to take charge of their country.
“To enable a safe and secure family environment for the vulnerable.
“To enable equal and fair distribution of our wealth.
“To utilize our natural resources for the benefits of the resources owners.
“To enable people with disabilities in our communities to have equal opportunity.
“To exercise absolute prudence with the limited finance that we have to fully develop our rural populace.
“To innovate fast and efficient service delivery mechanism to the rural communities.
“To utilize the existing infrastructure and improve them to achieve our Millennium development goals.
“To enable existing Solomon Islanders to participate effectively in all private entrepreneurship.”
By William Ekotani
In Auki