A TOTAL of thirty-one (31) Political Appointees (PAs) who have served under the now defunct Democratic Coalition of Change Government (DCCG) have been terminated last week.
Prime Minister Rick Hou issued their marching orders on Friday in a letter addressed to each of the Political Appointee.
A source close to this paper confirmed the termination last night, saying the 31 PAs were slapped with their termination letters on Friday.
The source said there are more than 60 PAs who have their contract signed under the helm of the former Sogavare -led coalition government.
The source said, the next lot will know their fate soon.
“The axing of 31 PAs is not the final as yet seeing that about 29 of them are still under the radar.
“But the remaining PA’s fate will be known sometimes soon,” the source added.
Newly appointed Press Secretary to the Prime Minister Douglas Marau also confirmed the mass termination.
“This mass termination is normal for any new ruling government which follows strict procedures.
“A new coalition government will decide either they will prolong the contract of the PAs or show them the exit door,” he said adding the fate for PAs stemmed from coalescing group forming the government.
Its understood, the issue of PAs is an upfront issue which Mr Hou and the People’s Democratic Coalition (PDC) faced when taking up the post.
Discussions and Cabinet meetings were held lately after coming into power to oversee how best to deal and assess the top officers responsible for implementing the government policies.
Mr Hou soon after taking power fortnight ago said the approach to terminating and appointing PAs was matter the new coalition government will consider by looking at the positions that are required to achieve its priorities during the remaining 12 months in office and to get rid of those that are not needed.
He said, another important consideration was that the employment contracts of all the political appointees were tied to the term of the former Democratic Coalition for Change Government (DCCG) and as such, their contracts automatically cease at the end of the reign of the former political government.
The news of the action taken by Solomon Islands Democratic Coalition for Change Government (SIDCCG) has been welcomed by many who acknowledged the Hou-led government for making the right move to cut back on the PAs who have been a subject for criticism due to the high cost of employing them but with very little achievement.