GOVERNMENT’S intention to appoint a local to head our police force is not a bad idea at all.
It is just about time we do that.
We have highly capable, as well as respectable officers within the force who can take on that role.
They have gone through various trainings provided by Australia and New Zealand, and so they should now be given the opportunity to have a go at this top job.
But any appointments should be based on merit. It must not be dictated or influenced by politicians.
The right body to handle the recruitment process is the Police and Prison Service Commission (PPSC).
The whole task of appointing a new police chief should be left to their care.
Now that John Lansley’s contract has not been renewed, the Government should start initiating the recruitment process.
The Senior and Subordinates Police Officers Association (SPOA) is right in demanding the Government to appoint a new head within the next three months.
We must stop entertaining having acting police commissioners for years as was the case on previous occasions.
The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIP) is too important an institution to operate without a head.
Not only that, but its head must be allowed to run the force without any political interference from the top.
Recent discontentment SPOA members have expressed against the current police executive means a new commissioner must someone who is neutral, credible, and who can bring stability and unity to the force.
The last institution we want to see split is the police force. For when that happens, we are in for big troubles.
Police minister Chris Laore yesterday indicated that with Lansley’s exit, they are now looking at giving the top job to a local.
Mr Laore is encouraged to purpose that process as fast as he can.
In the meantime, let’s thank Mr Lansley for his wonderful service to the nation in the past 12 months.
He has done an excellent job holding the force together in the last 12 months, and ensuring the RSIPF regained the public’s trust.
Mr Lansley’s successor must build on from where he left.