Dear Editor – There is a lot of concern from the business houses and the public with regards to the services provided by the Immigration department of the Ministry of Commerce, Labour, Immigration and investment.
As most of the business houses and the public at large really appreciating the improved, fast and reliable services provided by the other departments under the Ministry such as Foreign Investment Division, Registration of companies or company haus, Labour Division, the immigration Division services is getting ineffective and not as a division who is also in the loop in facilitating and hastening business and development growth in the Solomon Islands.
The Immigration is the division that is responsible for facilitating permits to enter and to reside to foreign employees and company owners to enter the Solomon Island to do business and work.
The permits should only be processed for 14 days but as things are going right now it takes one to three months before a permit is ready.
This does not encouraged investors or business and development growth in our country.
The other area of great concern is the delay in issuing of Solomon Islands passports.
There are instances whereby passport applications were unnecessary delayed because somebody is not doing his work,
Passports should be issued within 14 days but now you have to wait for 1-2 months if you are lucky you can get your passport in time.
All Solomon Islanders are entitled to have a passport if they apply for one and meet all the requirements.
I call on the management of the immigration division to identify areas whereby they will improve their service delivery because it is a very important division within the Government apparatus.
I also call on the Permanent secretary of the Ministry of Commerce to see to it that Immigration Division live up the Business development of this country and the increasing number of people travelling overseas on business and to work.
I would also call on the Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce to take this matter to the appropriate authorities so that improvement is made on the performance of this Division.
Luke Daoni