Caretaker Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo officially opens the 2014 (Dorcas) Adventist Women congress in Dunde, Munda last Sunday.
Director of the Seventh Day Adventist Church Women Ministry of the Solomon Island Mission (SIM) Beverly Maega told the Solomon Star from Munda that more than 2000 women starts from Temotu to Shortland Islands including other religions attended the congress.
“PM Lilo was our guest of honour who officially opens our 2014 dorcas congress.”
She said a number of provincial executive members and invited guests attended the official opening.
The SIM women’s director said an Australian lady will be the congress guest speaker throughout the week.
“Our guest speaker comes from Australia with her husband who will speak to us during the congress.
“We have a lot of seminars and workshops being lined up throughout the week.”
Apart from the workshops there will be visitation conducted to communities in and around Munda.
Meanwhile Mrs Maega thanked all Adventist members and individual that have helped supported the congress.
Most of the delegates from Honiara travelled down to Munda on two boats on Saturday night.
The congress will end on Saturday and most of the participants are expected to return afterwards.