Fr. Clement Wanesubua celebrated his first Eucharistic mass as a newly ordained priest on the feast day of the Holy Name of Mary in September 2004.
It was ten years ago on the 11th September 2004 that deacon Clement was ordained priest in the Catholic Diocese of Auki by the late Bishop Gerald Loft at Dala mission station in West Kwara’ae.
This year Fr. Clement now looked back and said, “Yes I have served the Lord for the past ten years.”
Fr. Clement is from a small village called Akwaabu in the vicinity of Kakalano in West Kwara’ae.
He attended primary school at Kwarea from 1981 to 1986. Realizing the need for priests in the Diocese of Auki Clay made the firm decision to enter into training towards priesthood. Following a two years training in 1992 and 1993 at Buma pastoral centre in West Kwaio he attended Nazareth Apostolic Centre at Tenaru from 1994 to 1996.
The following year he continued theological studies at Holy Name of Mary Seminary also at Tenaru.
In Papua New Guinea from 2000 to 2003 Clement attended Catholic Theological Institute in Port Moresby and graduated Bachelor of Theology Degree.
He was ordained deacon on the 22nd of March 2004 at Dala catholic mission station by the late Bishop Loft and he did deaconate service at Rokera in South Malaita. And on the 11th September 2004 deacon Clement Wanesubua was ordained priest at the compounds of his own parish at St. John’s Dala.
Fr. Clement served at Takwa and Dala parishes before entering Pontifical Urbaniana University at the Vatican City in Rome.
The study runs from June 2008 until June 2012 when he graduated with Licentiate in Dogmatic Theology. With that achievement Fr. Clement is qualified to teach theology at any catholic seminary or university in any country throughout the world.
From the 10th and 11th of September 2014, families, friends and communities of Dala Parish gathered and celebrate at Akwaabu to mark the tenth anniversary of Fr. Clement and also to show their appreciation to their son who is still serving God’s people faithfully.
Speaking after the celebrations Fr. Clay said he is happy to serve in the priesthood for the past ten years despite varying challenges and trials along the way. “I will continue until God halt my service to him,” said a jubilant Fr. Clement.
The only major challenge encountered in the past years in priesthood life he admitted was the studies in Rome. “You have to learn, speak and use Italian, Spanish and French beside English. It is a requirement by the Italian University to be able to graduate with Masters in Theology,” He said.
Returning from Rome Fr. Clay taught at the Holy Name of Mary Seminary at Tenaru before be was assigned to Malu’u Parish in North Malaita. He now joined the staff of Buma Pastoral Centre in West Kwaio.
Fr. Clement and thanked his brother priests of the Catholic Diocese of Auki for the support they rendered in the past years. Bishop Chris Cardone was acknowledged for the trust he had on Fr. Clement and hence facilitating the study in Rome.
By William Toli