A ONE session to encourage mothers to prepare a balance diet for their families each meal was conducted on Tuesday at Kobito South Seas Evangelical Church (SSEC) church, East Honiara.
Two health workers from the SSEC health department facilitated the talks.
The event allowed the women to do demonstration and asked questions about taking right amount of food for diet.
The program was organized by the SSEC community health development for women to have some ideas about healthy nutrition and diet requirements.
SSEC national coordinator Ani Sam said the session allowed the participants to learn about eating balance diet.
“Women learn about the right amount of food they should consume during a day,” Ms Sam explained.
She added that they also briefed the women about the bad impacts of fat and greasy food.
“Eating food which contains too much fat and sugar is unhealthy and can lead to non-communicable disease.”
She said it is important for families to practice eating local foods so that they can live healthy.
Ms Sam encouraged women to prepare balance diet for every meal.