THE Provincial Councils of Women (PCW) have agreed to establish resource centre buildings in each province this year.
During a gender equality forum attended by seven PCW representatives from seven provinces, the women concluded that it is important resource centre buildings are established in the provinces as focal points in the ongoing struggle to empower women.
The group during the forum highlighted that some resource centres are incomplete, occupied and or not established such as in the Central Province.
Central Province PCW president Jacinta Sale said for a very long time, Central Province has no resource centre to run PCW affairs.
Mrs Sale said for so long now, women from the province cannot run their programs because there is no resource centre to plan and update all PCW work.
“We tried our best to build a resource centre for our women in the past but funding has been the big problem,” she said.
However, she said after the years of struggle, a new resource centre will be opened this year.
“Our new centre was funded by the Central Province government.
“I normally used by living house as a meeting centre when we have no centre. Now that we are about to open our new centre, it will really boost our efforts.”
The building will cater for Central Province PCW office, youth admin and a craft room for women to sell and display their products.
The construction of the new resource centre building started last year and is expected to complete in May.
Mrs said Central women are looking forward to the completion and opening of the building this year.
Other provinces including Renbel, Choiseul, Isabel and Western are hoping to complete their centres this year.