POST COURIER – The Papua New Guinea Opposition is against the government’s acquisition of EMTV through the Telikom PNG at a cost of K27 million (US$9.98 million).
“TV is an important mode of communication to satisfy the entertainment, education and information needs for our people.
“The government’s involvement in media business portrays high prospect of compromise with the independence and objectivity of news and other programs,” said Polye.
He is urging the government through the Telikom board to review its decision for the transaction.
Polye said it was economically unjustifiable for the government to involve in any businesses.
“Any government in the world is primarily obliged to provide necessary services like electricity, communication, transport infrastructures and other infrastructure to accelerate economic activities and the government is no different,” he said.
He said the Opposition’s view was that the public-private partnership is a way forward for any state investments in the country.
“Our alternative government policy discourages the government from doing businesses.
“If or when the Opposition is in power, we will adopt other best economic models or to resell the company to recoup the taxpayers money,” said a determined Polye.
– Post Courier