Dear Editor – I have noticed in your recent newspaper that Solomon Airlines, through the Ministry of Finance and Treasury, had advertised the posts of directors for the Solomon Airlines Board.
I assume the term of the current Board expires and that the advertisement was placed in compliance with the SOE Act 2009.
From reliable sources, I am aware that the term of the current SIVB Board lapses on 24 April 2015.
Therefore, I am calling on the responsible authorities to advertise the posts of directors for the new SIVB Board if this has not yet been done
In the past, the internal appointment of board members were based more on affiliates than on merits.
As a result the boards were mostly under-performing in their roles and at times the Board meetings were used to raise sitting allowances and tours, and to endorse decisions that had links to personal gains.
Given the unprecedented decrease in visitors arrivals (-18%) in 2014, the lowest record since 2010; the current Board’s un-achieved target of 1 million visitors per year in 2014; and the apparent lack of vision and direction demonstrated, the SIVB Board needs a new team.
That will work with the new Solomon Airlines Board and other key players if the DCC Government policy objectives, strategies, and action plans for tourism in the next four years are to be realised.
Advertising the directors’ posts for the new SIVB Board and selecting the right candidates based on merit will be the best starting point.
Michael Tokuru
Former SIVB general manager