Dear Editor – Please allow me space in your paper to express my concern about transparency and accountability in CSSI (Correctional Service Solomon Islands).
CSSI is a well discipline organization which was fenced by its Acts and Regulations.
From higher ranking officer (commissioner) to lower ranking officers (newly entrance correctional officer) are served under one umbrella the correctional services Acts 2007.
First of all, I want to highlight the great work CSSI authorities and its discipline body had done so far by investigating and dealing with offences committed by officers internally and externally.
The clear evidences of how CSSI and its discipline body ridiculously carry out the integrity of their work is on the case of three officers’ causing damages to G-plated vehicle Nos. 3244, 3552 & 3400 and were interdicted as a result of their action.
Of the three, one of them is a superintendant who was re-instated back to work and the other two were correctional officers one of whom was dismissed from the service whilst the other is still being process in court.
Is this how CSSI and its right arm (professional standard unit) carry out their duties effectively according to Correctional Services Acts 2007.
Secondly, the transparency and accountability within the organization (CSSI) drops to its bottom.
Some of the allegations set against ranking officers few years back and fresh ones were never dealt with.
This signifies that transparency and accountability are never upheld in the work place and that is a bad sign for a well discipline organization like CSSI.
Another example was on the chief superintendant who used to garage a G-plated vehicle. His wife broke the front wind screen of that vehicle around the town ground area but nothing has been done.
Later that ranking officer also allegedly authorised CSSI finance unit to raise payment to meet the cost of the damages under standing imprest which is not procedural, only the commissioner has the power for an approval for such payments.
Another incident occurred around Tetere area which involved collision. The G-plated vehicle (G3712) sustained damages to its door and the private vehicle owner responsibly handed an amount of $3000 to Tetere police to meet the cost of damages to G-plate vehicle 3712 and the money was delivered to commandant Tetere who garaged the said G-plate vehicle but the money never surrendered to the responsible authorities until today.
Instead of an investigation, he was then posted to be the head of the professional standard unit of CSSI.
Is that how CSSI delivered transparency and accountability? Just last month during the Easter season on Holy Saturday, an Inspector of CSSI drove a G-plate vehicle 3394 eastwards and suddenly hit and collided with a public vehicle in the watchful eyes of Henderson police officers.
All these matters signify that the responsible authorities were sleeping, or a sign of favouritism or the right arm of CSSI (PSU) is not functioning independently.
Something has to be done to ensure justice in this organiosation. There must be no favouritism, wantokism and unfair decisions. For the good of this organisation, let’s work together.
God Bless SI.
Hanson Tana