Dear Editor – Confusion had engulfed the Christian denomination when the above mention, law and grace are a spotlight throughout the media.
Since the purpose for the church (exclesia called out ones) is to reconcile the lost to our God and Father. The opposite is evident, scattering and not gathering.
It seems that we the church of Christ does yet dissolve and understand fully the purpose and fullness of time for our existence on this planet called earth mankind ventured and explored the world with its unpredicted nature, ravage storm, wars, earthquake, famine, pauses the human mind with doubts and question, why are we suffering? Why are we here? Where are we going? The list goes on and one.
I personally found out and believe that, the bible (biblical instruction before living earth) the living word of God is the answer that bring life to the human spirit soul and body.
God creates us, gave us a Manuel not history of theologians to stand and live by the bible quotes: those who diligently seek me will find me.
Jesus Christ calls us to abide in his word. Ignorance in terms of futility of the mind by driving Adam out from the Garden of Eden (presence of God) is evident on a large scale on humanity in our society today.
We do not lose a religion, we lost a kingdom. Our God created image now in tatters by sin, eventually we transgress the law of God by will. We are slaves of sin.
God sent his son into the world to renew and restore unto us that image and dominion that we lost.
It has been a mystery especially to us the gentiles and now openly revealed to us by the Holy Spirit through revelation by his servant St Paul. This is our only hope in this life and also the life to come.
Joseph Filame