“The family as an institution is under attack from many fronts.”
Those were words uttered during a Christian Life Program (CLP) organized by the Couples for Christ Church ministry of the Catholic Church, at Holy Cross Parish Hall over the weekend.
Participants, mostly married couples, were reminded that there is a need to prevent the breaking down of families, to make marriages more resilient.
“The pace of modern life has become too fast, making it difficult for lasting relationships to develop,” said facilitator to one of the program’s session, Aloysius Poiohia.
He stressed that fathers should take steps to assume full responsibility for the spiritual and material needs of the family.
“Make a decision that in your family you want God’s plan to happen,” he said.
Make time for the task of building a strong family and pray together as a family.
“Seek other couples who share your concern about family life and be in regular fellowship with them.”
He reminded the participants that what really matter is because the family is a place for teaching and training leaders.
Several young couples who were part of the program expressed their gratitude for taking part.
“We are so grateful for this,” one couple said.
Another said, “Being a young couple, marriage and family life is full of new challenges every day.
Lessons learnt in the program, and the networking of other similar couples who share the same concern of family life is a guide to assist them.
According to Wikipedia, Couples for Christ is an international Catholic lay ecclesial movement whose goal is to renew and strengthen Christian family life and values.
Whilst the Christian Life Program is open for members of any denominations as well, it is mainly an entry program for married couples to me part of Couples for Christ ministry.