The Annual Diocesan tour of the Diocesan Bishop of Guadalcanal Rt. Rev. Nathan Tome, accompanied by the Diocesan staff and their wives to the Western Parishes and districts of the Diocese has ended on 26th July 2015.
The districts and Parishes visited were – East Vaturanga on 18-19th; West Vaturanga on 24-25th and Sunday the 26th at Duidui village in Sahalu Parish.
A total of 64 young and grown up people received the Sacrament of Confirmation. The Bishop highly commended and acknowledged the church leaders and guardians of the districts for their work and effort in making the people realize the importance of having to undergo such church tradition and practice.
Bishop Nathan re-iterated the truth that such service of confirmation reflects the growth and strength of the church and individuals in our society today and beyond.
In the same manner, he made it clear to those confirmed that they are now new creatures because they are now joined to Christ in the Spirit through the laying on of hands with prayer.
Their old self has gone and new being has come. At the same time the Bishop welcomes the newly confirmed members of the church to the Holy Table for Holy Communion for the first time.
The main highlight in the services performed was the role play presented during the delivery of the sermons with the call for change of life in this changing world. The congregation is called to come to the Lord with their many and countless burdens of life.
In the main talk of the Bishop and supported by the Vicar General Fr. Chris Samu he is calling for the people of the diocese to have a true feeling of ownership of the diocese.
The Bishop re-iterated that the Diocese is not the office in Honiara but the people out in the parishes, districts and villages.
It is vitally important an aspiration for the people to have is that the diocese needs to develop physically as well which can only come about when people freely provide their resources, talents and skills. Here the Bishop is calling for the congregation to have the heart of giving over against that of receiving.
General information that stem from the General and Diocesan Synods were presented and clarified to listening hundreds of people during the mission. These are very Important for the adherents to know and live by.
The Bishop and party were overwhelmed when watching the entertaining activities performed by both the youths and adults during the visit. The Bishop and party left the congregations respectively with a blessing when every business of each day was over.