PORT MORESBY, (POST COURIER) – Grade 8 and Grade 10 national examinations in Papua New Guinea will be scrapped by 2017.
The only national examination will be for Grade 12 which will then prepare every student for tertiary institutions.
Students learning from elementary to Grade 12 will be assessed through various tests during these years of learning.
This is according to education acting assistant secretary for planning Maxtone Essy.
He made presentations on the national education plan, a five-year plan that focuses on quality education among others, at an education sector improvement program steering committee meeting in Port Moresby.
The scrapping of the two national examinations is part of the education’s efforts to focus on quality education for all.
“The ultimate five year plan is to achieve quality education for all children in PNG,” Essy stressed.
The national education plan 2015-19 which will be launched soon captures other focus areas which are: 13 years of education for every child (prep to Grade 12); education is not compulsory; structural reform research and outcomes based education by 2017.
Essy discussed early childhood as important but stated more discussion surrounding the responsibly that will fall between the department of community development and the education department..