A WEALTH of knowledge has been received putting a smile on the faces a group of local business-minded women who attended a series of interactive workshops and seminars over the weekend.
The workshops were presented by U.S Women Entrepreneurship Expert Samira Cook-Gaines in Honiara from the 15th-17th of August.
Women who attended were those in business while others were those intending to go into business undertakings in future. Other participants included women who just wanted to acquire some knowledge about basic skills and know-how if they ever venture into business one day.
Some important aspects emphasised at the workshop were the challenges operators would have to face up to in their operations especially in maintaining good cash flow.
Other topics such as organizational management and innovation to stimulate strive for success was also presented by the American expert.
The problems women running businesses would most likely to be faced with were also highlighted at the workshop.
Ms Gaines told participants that some barriers depriving women from achieving success in their business endeavour were lack of knowledge and research.
Retrospect to that Ms Gaines presented to the participants the elements of a business plan and highlighted the importance or conducting a survey before actually launching any business undertaking.
She pointed out the importance of knowing who your customers are and whether the business would really make a difference in their lives.
Equally important she said is the aspect of affiliating with other business entrepreneurs in partnership while striving for customer growth.
Tips and strategies for managing NGO’s was also presented to participant during a two-day similar workshop held at the Lime Lounge in Point Cruz area.
This was followed by a separate session dedicated to creativity and innovation held at the Heritage Park Hotel.
A one-on-one mentoring sessions was also held with women entrepreneurs putting emphasis on the likely challenges most likely to be faced and how they would overcome them.
In her interaction with the participants Ms Gaines said he was very impressed with the interest and creativity shown by Solomon Islands women.
Participants agreed that some traditional norms which are hindrance to business success such as taking care of wantoks could be side aside.
Ms Gaines pointed out that while the system has it values and merits, it should be properly managed. “Wantoks should support their relatives engaged in business ventures when they receive their services. This will to help the business prosper.”
The visit by Ms Guines was part of the U.S Embassy Women’s Empowerment Speaker Series, which brings U.S experts to Solomon Islands to provide skill-building and professional development opportunities for women.