Dear Editor – Throughout the Solomon Islands there are a number of Women’s Resource Centres (WRC’s) that play a considerable role in addressing the many issues that affect women, and often girls, in today’s society.
The two main WRC’s are in Guadalcanal and Malaita.
All the centres are focal points for the Solomon Islands National Council of Women (SINCW) and from where the executive of the Provincial Council operate and where contact is made with the local women’s ward councils and other women’s groups.
The councils also function as the mini-commercial arm for the Provincial Council of Women.
Training on women’s issues, including Leadership, Business and Gender Equality is conducted at the centres.
In addition, the centres offer ‘shelter’ for women and children who have suffered domestic and family violence.
Despite the vital role of these WRC’S they are often under-resourced and require essential items of furniture, including beds and mattresses.
Through the assistance of a New Zealand Charity Trust, ‘Take My Hands’ and with the possible help of other donors willing to aid the work of the WRC’s it is my aim to try and meet the needs of the WRC’s country wide.
Yours sincerely
Frank Short