Dear Editor – I read with great interest your front page article on the above Solomon Star Issue No. 6023 on Tuesday 10 November, 2015.
Most of the reasons given as basis for the Boards Non – Renewal of contracts is baseless and shallow thinking.
I read and heard of the allegations against the SIPA board chairman Nollen Leni, the CEO Collin Yao and the illegal Singaporeans Non work permits 100 times in the past but no citizen of Solomon Islands has the guts to put these gentlemen behind bars.
No one is above the law so why complain? Prove to the nation that the current SIPA board is insane and should not rule.
Otherwise these gentlemen have no case to answer until and unless the courts says so. So why waste your time?
The current Executive and Board of the Solomon Islands Ports Authority (SIPA) must be allowed to continue their reform program because it has produced fruits.
Those who refused change in any organizations are normally the rotten eggs in the basket that have been benefiting at the expense of the nation.
No wonder why SIPA has not made any profit or even break-even budget since its birthday.
No government SOE has assisted SIG with its budget only SIPA.
There is currently new facelifts happening at the Ports and wharf area?
Why this time and not couple of years back?
I know a certain Executive Officer and senior management staff who led SIPA for about 20 years but no development has taken place at the Ports area.
So what is the fuss?
I kindly request the honorable Minister of Infrastructure Development (MID) and even the Prime Minister to reconsider renewing the contracts of SIPA Board if not all some of them and the whole Executive to continue with their very necessary reform program.
This country desperately needs Chief Executive Officers and Boards who can deliver and effectively implement government policy.
Enough of sleeping snakes who are only there to fill up their pockets.
As a rural man I feel our own people do not have a heart for our beloved Hapi Isles because when they hold higher posts self interest dominates and they do not perform as expected compared to expatriates.
We all see the fruit of Collin Yow’s and his Executive staff’ performance in his short term as CEO and I strongly recommend that SIPA Board and CEO to remain in office to fully implement the reforms planned and currently started.
I salute the CEO and his Board for the excellent example to all SOE’s in the country.
Victor Kaihou