The Malaita provincial council of women has called on the national government to fullfill its plans for national development on the island.
Rose Kala President Malaita Provincial Council of Woman in a statement on Thursday said, women in the province are committed to support efforts to ensure positive development for the province.
“The Malaita Provincial Council of Woman (MPCW) is committed in our effect to support all Malaita leaders in relation to those endeavors to drive positive development plans in Malaita communities as a whole.
“In this regards, we call on the National Government to vigorously pursue the implementation of those national projects for Malaita.”
She said, the women of Malaita always and directly play a crucial roles in the families of Malaita to ensure their wellbeing and livelihood of family members are met satisfactory.
Ms Kala added, for past ten (10) years it appears that there are increase in Malaitan families migrating back to Honiara and outside of Honiara City boundaries looking for means to survive hence could have settle illegally in customary lands in Guadalcanal province.
“These are proofs pointing to the fact that both past
successive national governments as well as present one have failed miserably in addressing Malaita development aspirations.
“Majority of Malaita women and our respective families have silently suffered such negligent and failures by the national government.”