The ruling on the voir dire hearing (trial within a trial) on the former Central Bank of Solomon Islands (CBSI) employee who allegedly stole more than a million dollars of muted notes from the Bank has been deferred.
This was because the presiding judge is not available as he is currently on medical leave.
He will hand down his ruling on May 2, followed by the trial proper.
Bobongi, 44, of Guadalcanal, challenged his admission in his record of interview with police dated 12 May 2009 claiming he was being threatened.
However, the interviewing police officer denied that allegation and said in his evidence that Bobongi willingly made the admission.
Bobongi is facing 38 counts of money laundering charges and two counts of larceny & embezzlement.
Prosecution alleged that between 2007 and 2009 while working as the currency officer at CBSI he stole more than $1.7 million of muted notes from the bank.
It was alleged that Bobongi stole the muted notes when the bank is in the process of destroying them.
Bobongi then allegedly at different times deposited certain amounts into his Bank of South Pacific (BSP) Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) accounts.
He also allegedly deposited certain amounts on different dates between 2007 and 2009 into his wife’s account at BSB.
It was also alleged that part of the money was used by Bobongi to pay for properties and some were found in his brief case when police searched his house.
Wayne Ghemu and Sevuloni Valenitabua of Public Solicitor’s Office represent Bobongi.
Director of public prosecution Ronald Bei Talasasa and his assistant Maito’o Hauirae appeared for the State.