THE Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) has thanked members of the business community for jumping in to assist with disaster relief since last week, following the flooding that devastated many parts of Honiara.
Despite being badly affected by the disaster, business houses are pouring in help towards the relief efforts.
“As the national private sector organization and focal point for the business community, SICCI is encouraging more people to come forward to assist those who are affected in whatever way they can,” a statement the chamber issued yesterday said.
Since the crisis began, the Chamber has been working closely with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, Honiara City Council, Ports Authority, Donor Agencies and other stakeholders to address issues of disaster relief, road and bridge infrastructure, traffic, Ports and other issues affecting businesses.
“The disaster has had a huge impact for businesses, with the key infrastructure connecting customers from the eastern to western end and essential services such as Ports all affected,” it said.
“The Chamber has also been holding extra-ordinary Executive Board meetings to discuss ways forward to assist during the crisis.
“Appeals have been made to members through a regular SICCI Crisis Updates and also to 250,000 mobile users through a text blast from Be-Mobile and Our Telekom to contribute to the relief effort – especially donating items much needed at the Disaster Recovery Centres, and response from the business community continues to be very positive.
“The SICCI Board appeals to the Chamber members and businesses in general not to take advantage of the situation and raise costs of goods and services for the very people who are already affected by the crisis, and urges the Price Control Unit to ensure through effective monitoring that this does not happen.
“SICCI is trying to negotiate with government to consider tax offsets for donations by the business community to help the recovery process, as there are companies who are willing to donate large quantities of food, clothing and other relief items.
“The Chamber on behalf of its Executive Board and members extends its very sincere condolence to all the families who have lost loved ones in the disaster.”