The East Malaita region which was affected by last week’s flash floods has called on the national disaster management office (NDMO) to carryout assessment on the remote region.
In October last year, the region was also badly affected by flood and was declared a disaster zone where they were aided with relief supplies.
Eight months on and last week another devastating flood occur in the region.
Speaking to this paper, East Malaita SIBC Stringer Enoch Idui said, the flood also affected parts in East Malaita, especially the Auluta and Kwaibaita Basins and the A’arai rivers.
“These areas were badly affected by last week’s flash flood. They are calling for assessment from responsible authorities”.
He said that he has witnessed the affected areas.
“There were landslides, flooding did affected food gardens. Fortunately, the flood did occur during day time that there are no losses of life.
“Two cattle, more than twenty pigs, cocoa and coconuts and other farms were washed away.”
He said that people are now living on food gardens that were left by the flood.
“Normal livelihood is being affected.”
He said that the losses and damages done were similar to or worse than last year’s flood.
“Last year, 548 farmers and 36 villages were affected, and this year’s damages might reach these figures as well.”
The office of the NDMO could not be reached for comments.
In Auki