VENDORS at the Auki main market are calling on responsible authorities to beef up security within the market premises to avoid unnecessary dumping of wastes and abusing of the market’s vicinity and its properties.
This was made following weeks of complaints by vendors over the ever increasing pile of rubbish dumped right at the market’s entrance and also people abusing the area as if it is a public toilet.
The pile of rubbish and the foul smell coming from the area pollutes the market, and vendors are calling on authorities to help beef up security in avoiding such unwanted practices or threaten they will not want to use the market no longer.
“For weeks we have had to endure this foul smell and the disgusting site of the rubbish piles right in front of the market entrance.
“Where are the securities? What have they been doing all this time and not try to avoid people using this area as a dump site,” one of the vendors informed this paper.
Another group of mothers who usually sell their local fresh produces at the market said that over the past weeks they have lost customers who had complained of the smell and site and have refused to come to the market.
“We are losing our customers, especially because of some culprits bad behavior in using this area for buying and selling produces into some sort of a dump site and public toilet.
“Such is totally unacceptable and we call on responsible authorities to please look into the matter and find ways of addressing it. If this is not addressed then I am sure that it will not only be customers that will no longer come to the market but rather vendors as well,” spokesperson for the mothers said.
Attempts to talk to the market supervisor of the provincial administration looking after the premises yesterday were unsuccessful.
in Auki