Solomon Islands New South Wales community has offered a timely donation to assist the April 3 flood victims.
About 200 bags of rice and 90 cartons of Solomon blue tuna has been donated to the flash flooding victims last week.
The goods have been handed over on Wednesday to the Dorcas Welfare SDA federation and Anglican Church of Melanesia’s Mother’s Union for distribution to the flood victims.
Since the April flooding which affected most part of the country, in particular Honiara, the SI NSW community has hosted several fundraising drive to raise fund to help the victims.
SI NSW community president Peter Terry said aftermath of the April 3 flooding their small community have to go something to help the flood victims.
“We did an appeal to all our friends, work colleagues and some business houses to donate to this cause,” said Terry.
Terry said there appeal has been boosted with the TV channels broadcasting the disaster which make public aware of the disaster and are happy to help.
SI NSW community has risen more than SBD$51, 000.00.
The president said, their community has decided to work with the Anglican Church of Melanesia’s Mothers Union group and Dorcas Welfare SDA Federation to distribute the food items.
“We know that these church institutions are very active in the recent incident and we believed they can fairly distributes the goods to the victims,” he said.
The goods have been collected from the local wholesale distributor Sweetie store by the president of SDA Dorcas Welfare Helen Hilly and the All Saints Mother’s Union coordinator Susan Votu.
“We are so delighted by the trust the SI NSW community have on us to distribute the food items to the victims,” said Ms Hilly.
“We will make sure the food items will be distributed equally to all flood victims’ camp,” said Ms Votu.
Hendry Waitua one of elders from White River camp has acknowledged the SI NWS community for the assistance.
“This people are not physically seen us in this time of natural disaster, but spiritually seen us, we would like to thank them for their timely assistance,” said Waitua.
“We hope and pray that the little we contribute will go the distance for our brothers and sisters who have been lost everything in the Solomon Islands said the president of the SI NSW community. “