Parts of West Gizo will be promoted in one of Australian best Sunday newspapers thanks to David May a travel writer and photographer from Australia who is in Gizo to promote tourism in the country.
Mr May is being engaged by Solomon Islands Visitors Bureau (SIVB) public relations (PR) officer based in Australia Mike Paker Brown to write more stories about Gizo and the surround communities.
SIVB event organizer Stella Lucas is currently accompanying Mr May around Gizo.
On Tuesday the team visited West Gizo, Saeragi village and Gizo Hilltop.
During the visit Mr May was given the opportunity to take photos, conduct interviews and even meet people in Titiana and Saeraghi villages.
Urilolo Homstay managing director William Ghiroi said he was overwhelmed with the travel writer for visiting his business.
“Its good to see such people visiting our islands to help promote it.”
Meanwhile Mr May told the Solomon Star that most of the articles he documented will be promoted in Australia and abroad.
“What I wrote here will be promoted in Australia and internationally.
“Millions of people will read about these places and they will come here.”
Mr May returns to Australia tomorrow.