Globally, employment is the largest source of household income, and employment-related changes are key to a household’s transitions out of poverty.
The best employment opportunities are those that contribute to higher living standards, deliver increased productivity, and build social cohesion.
In the Pacific, a region with the largest and one of the fastest growing youth populations in the world, research suggests that new strategies and policies are needed to address emerging job challenges. Improved management of urbanization, natural resource industries, and public sector employment are all vital in meeting a growing demand for employment. Labour mobility will be especially pivotal, including increased use of seasonal worker programs.
What policies should be pursued to increase employment opportunities in Solomon Islands? How can the benefits from migration and remittances be amplified for Solomon Islanders? What has been the development impact of the seasonal worker schemes at home and abroad to date and what might their future hold? Are there tradeoffs for participating communities?
In collaboration with the World Bank, the Economics Association of Solomon Islands (EASI) is hosting a public seminar to disseminate the recently published World Bank ‘Well-being from work in the Pacific’ report and how it relates to issues and challenges to employment in Solomon Islands. The seminar will feature three presentations:
Tobias Haque, World Bank Economist for the Pacific will disseminate the recently published ‘Well-being from work in the Pacific’ report and share recommendations for how policies can support better development outcomes from employment.
An Economics Association representative will present on the overall employment situation in Solomon Islands, and Barrett Salato Director of Trade in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade will give an update on the Labour Mobility Scheme – past experiences and challenges going forward.
Members of the EASI and the public interested in having an open discussion on these important topics are invited to attend the seminar at the World Bank Office Conference room at Mud Alley, Honiara, 4.30 – 6pm, Thursday July, 24, 2014.