Information sharing can empower and transform people’s mindset on important issues.
This was highlighted by Solomon Islands Development Trust (SIDT) SIDT director Longden Manedika during a conference yesterday.
Mr Manedika said power of information can transform all people’s mindset across all leadership levels which need to be paid serious attention for people, policy makers and practitioners if this nation is to bring about positive change to the people.
“SIDT came up with this design to compliment responsible citizens and educate both voters and non-voters to be informed about their right to vote in a free, air and clean environment during this coming national general election,” he said.
Mr Manedika added that over the years SIDT has engaged in information sharing work on number of issues that concerns people’s priority but now it is done through a number of mediums, print, radio, theatre and audio visual.
He said it is important to help people to get fair idea on choosing good quality leaders for the next term.
Meanwhile he encourages all eligible voters in the country to make right decisions before casting their ballot on polling day.